Hans J. Wegner V desk
A rare JH563 / V' desk designed by Hans J. Wegner, 1950.
A large writing desk of teak with two hand-carved floating drawers on a base of turned oak legs braced by a hand-carved central wishbone-shaped strut.
Executed by cabinetmaker Johannes Hansen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1950.
Underside branded with manufacturer's logo.
Hans J. Wegner is considered one of the most creative and productive Danish furniture designers of all time. He became an honorary member of the Royal Danish Academy for the Fine Arts in 1995, and an honorary doctor of the Royal College of Art in 1997.
Almost all of the world's major design museums, from The Museum of Modern Art in New York to Die Neue Sammlung in Munich, feature his furniture in their collections.
It was in 1940's when Wegner began working with master cabinetmaker Johannes Hansen, who played a major role in introducing modern design to the Danish public.
Roberto Aloi, Esempi Di Arredamento Moderno, Di Tutto Il Mondo, studi librerie scrivanie, Milan, 1956, fig. 99
Johan Møller Nielson, Wegner en Dansk Møbelkunstner, Copenhagen, 1965, p. 118
Grete Jalk, ed., Dansk Møbelkunst gennem 40 aar, Volume 3: 1947-1956, Copenhagen, 1987, p. 142
Christian Holmsted Olesen, Wegner: just one good chair, exh. cat., Design Museum Denmark, Copenhagen, 2014, p. 239.
Hans J Wegner V desk
Price upon application